It’s a Beautiful Mess, It’s a Beautiful Mess We’re In

Life is the most beautiful, glorious, and perfectly tangled web of divinity when we embrace it fully and unconditionally with love. As I observe this day with a sense of wonder and awe, I relax into the words of Abraham-Hicks, “You can’t get it wrong and you’ll never get it done. You can’t get it wrong because  you’ll never get it done.” The only way to expand is to learn what you do want by experiencing what you do not want. The errors and the emotions that come with them, large and small, are there for our guidance.



It’s messy. Living is messy. Loving is messy. There’s so much contrast to wade through in life. Some of that contrast will inevitably spark powerful desires as what you really want grows in clarity. Sometimes it’s pain that brings greater clarity and sometimes it’s joy. Both are a blessing and I’ve learned to welcome both with open arms as each exist equally as my own personal GPS to the destination of my ever changing and growing bliss. So long as I use pain and negative emotions to cause me to search for what makes me feel good. It’s an exercise, a practice, a habit, that I’ve been developing over the past year. When something causes me to feel bad, instead of getting stuck in that dreary, heavy state that hurts, I use that to ask myself, “If this is what I don’t want, what do I want?” And then I begin to shift my momentum towards feeling better, one thought at a time, as I think about acquiring and having a better feeling state.


One of things that has taught me a lot of hard lessons is the power of momentum. Abraham always preaches that it only takes 17 seconds to get the momentum of a thought rolling. That’s it. So when I think about how long I can dwell in negative thoughts that spiral my emotional state downward…I can’t not realize that I’ve created negative momentum in my life. So much so that the only thing I can do is go to sleep with the intention of waking up tomorrow in a better space. Thought stops when we sleep, so each day we have the opportunity to begin anew.


So my daily intention now is to create positive momentum the second I decide to wake up for the day. Really, I set that intention before I ever go to sleep and reaffirm it when I wake. We tend to wake up wherever we left off if we don’t go to sleep with the intention to wake up in a better place. Something I try to be conscious of daily. I try to be, and I am, more conscious  of what kind of momentum I’m creating each day as it unfolds. If you get positive momentum started early, as the day progresses, anything negative you may encounter throughout your day will just bounce right off of you.

We create our own reality and we do it with our thoughts. Thoughts are things, thoughts are energy, and everything that exists once began as a thought. So I have become very mindful of my thoughts and focus them towards what I want. I now am always pondering, “What do I want? What do I really, really, really want?” Once I started doing this I was baffled by how swept up in the events of my day I normally am. I felt awake, alert, like I knew what was going on. But when I would take a mental step back into my soul, observe my surroundings, and ask myself, ‘What do I want?’—I didn’t have an answer at first. I didn’t know, because I was going through the motions of my day, my mundane day, and hadn’t taken the time to even think about what I wanted in any given moment. Now I try to ask myself what I want before I get in my vehicle to go somewhere. If I’m going to the store, I say to myself, “I want a safe trip to the store and I want to find everything I need quickly with great ease,” or something to that effect. I’m practicing setting intentions for my day, both ahead of time and throughout the day. I am practicing being a deliberate creator. I am practicing creating my world as a sculptor takes a lump of clay and molds it into a masterpiece. I want the life of my dreams and nothing less! A life of realizing dreams and dreaming bigger dreams, and realizing those dreams, and dreaming even bigger dreams yet, and realizing even more than I could ever dream was possible!



It just takes practice. Life is meant to feel good. It is meant to be enjoyed. And we are meant to exercise our freedom, our free will, to create whatever our hearts so desire…again, and again, and again. We are meant to be free, to follow our bliss, and expand. As each of us follows our bliss into uncharted territories, the whole universe expands. This is what we came here for! You know those radiant feelings of joy that rush through your system? We’ve all had them at some point in our lives. Well, that’s resonance with God, our Source. It is through us that Source expands. And what a joy it is to deliberately create what we love, knowing that God is right there with us, loving it too. Co-creation at its best!


Reality is nothing more than the culmination of what has already been created, by you, or by someone else. So when you observe reality, and you say here it is, so it’s true…well it’s only true because it has been created. The question is, do you want it to be true for you? Or do you want to create a different reality? In the past I have always been very vulnerable to the thoughts, ideas, and opinions of other people. I’d let these things weigh me down, tie me up, and hold me back…for a while. And then the real me would inevitably, sometimes rather violently, revolt against what I knew was not my truth. I feel very fortunate that my mother raised me to be a strong, independent woman. I feel very fortunate to have this inextinguishable fire in me coupled with this drive to follow my heart absolutely no matter what, no matter how ridiculous it may seem, no matter how impossible it may seem, no matter how completely and totally void of logic it may seem…thank GOD I am just incapable of not following my heart. I can’t not follow it. It’s a blessing even when it seems like a curse at times.


In simple terms, the most powerful thing you can do…is APPRECIATE. Always be looking for something you can appreciate. Keep that momentum going and you will most certainly be living love. It’s all you need, because the only reason anyone wants anything is because they think they’ll feel better in the having of it. But if you can appreciate all things great and small throughout your day, every day, you will be living in that state of joy/peace/love/harmony…and once you’re there, everything you’ve ever wanted and more will come to meet you. The money. The love. The career…practice appreciation and everything you’ve ever wanted and more will find you.


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