Untangling and Uncovering a Mess of Desire

When it comes to pursuing desires, what many people, especially hardworking people, often forget to ask themselves is the simple question:

“Do I want to do it?”

And then follow that question up with:

“Does it feel fun?”

“Is it something I want to do or is it something I think I should do?

Does my heart sing in the idea of the beginning steps of it?”  

And if the answer is, “I don’t know,” then it’s too soon. Or if the answer is, “No, I’m doing it because I should,” then perhaps it isn’t the right thing to do. –Abraham

What I need to do is drop the oars and quit paddling up stream. I keep trying to sort of manhandle things in my life into place even though I know that doesn’t work. When I know what I want, I have no trouble focusing on what I want until I get it. I am a blank slate for the Universe to write instructions upon, which I obediently follow. Everything lines up effortlessly. But recently I  have acquired a seemingly random and seemingly incomplete jumble of desires. I want so badly to focus 1000% of my being into creating the life of my dreams, but I don’t know where to start or what to do with all these desires. Or at least I didn’t until I listened  to the above words of Abraham.

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Oh to live out here with my amazing boyfriend, puppies, and horses *wistful sigh* ❤

Where I was confused and seeking clarity I asked myself those questions. It turns out the tangles were all things I think I should be doing. Not things I really want to do. Not things I really think will be fun. Not things that make my heart sing. What happens is, being the devoted Law of Attraction student I am, I read and read and read. I study, study, and study. I have a little success. I launch 1000 rockets of desire, because if there’s anything I’ve ever been good at since birth, it’s dreaming! Then I get antsy. I get anxious. Of the thousands of rockets of desire I’ve launched, there are a handful that are all-consuming desires. They are “big” from where I’m standing. And in no way do I have any idea how or where to begin moving towards these astronomical desires, but I want to move towards them and I want to move towards them LAST YEAR!

In my anxious impatience I began doing things to try to bang elements into place that I thought would lead me closer to some of things I desire. Shockingly (sarcasm) all the actions I have taken and all the banging around I’ve done, trying to find something productive to do to create these amazingly wonderful things I want so desperately, has not panned out.

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I looove pine trees, and their bark. I love the smell of pine!

So what’s the answer? How do I manifest this “BIG” stuff?

Oh yeah. The ART OF ALLOWING. Yes, that. It’s so hard for a hardworking, action-oriented type of person to LET GO. But if I believe that I am a creator and that the way I create is by achieving a vibration that the Law of Attraction responds to, then shouldn’t EVERY EFFORT that I offer, hardworking person that I am, (or the majority of every effort that I offer) be about producing the emotion or the feeling and trusting that the rest will fill in, because it will? Umm…YES.

When I try to bang things into place with action, it’s like putting the cart before the horse. It’s like paddling upstream with all my might. It’s hard and it sucks and I don’t want to do it anymore.

Many people determine that they want to feel a certain way and then focus on an avenue that they think will get them there. But if they focused on creating the emotions or feelings, the feeling state of having what they desire, then a multitude of avenues would open up.  There is not one opportunity, there are many opportunities. There is not one path to what you desire, there are endless paths to all that you desire. –Abraham

But do you want to know what I really “got” today that was so huge?

I don’t even need a specific thing to desire.

Sit with that idea yourself for a while.

All I need to do is launch a powerful desire to feel good, just light that rocket of desire up, and get out of the way. Because what is behind every rocket of desire we launch? The belief that we will feel better in the having of it. What are we always, always, always wanting? To feel better. So pursuing feeling better, launching a powerful rocket of desire to feel good, raising oneself vibrationally…it’s like  a one-stop vibrational shop for everything wonderful you’ve ever wanted. You don’t have to work hard. You don’t. You really don’t. You just have to focus on feeling good, keeping your vibration up, and allowing the Universe to figure out EVERYTHING for you.

Looking up!
Looking up!

This is why it’s easier to manifest things you don’t care about. You love, appreciate, and desire something. You forget about it (allowing). And then all of a sudden, surprise, there it is, from an unexpected avenue, out of the blue. Honestly, it’s really fun to launch a desire for something, expect it to show up, and wait for that out of the blue moment when it seemingly falls out of the sky into your lap.

So I’m doing this with my art business, my love of Parelli Natural Horsemanship, my passion for studying the Law of Attraction, and my deep-seated desire to live in Pagosa Springs. I’m just going to focus on loving, appreciating, and enjoying these things. I’m going to focus on loving, appreciating, and enjoying myself. I’m going to focus on loving, appreciating, and enjoying everything I do. I’m dropping the oars and letting myself float with the flow of the Stream of Well-being.  I’m going to quit the exhausting efforts I’ve been making to try to figure things out (a sure sign you’re trying to push and bang things into place instead of allowing). I’m letting the Universe take the reins in my life and fully opening myself to endless possibility.

I surrender all to SOURCE.

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The stream of Well-Being, I love the sound of water and feeling of being immersed in nature.

I’m tired of being tired and tired of that feeling of not being there yet. Of not reaching and fulfilling all of my potential. Of not living in the service of grand purpose. I’m tired of being out of alignment! All I want is now is to live as one with Source.

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There is no longer anything I desire as deeply as a deep, unwavering and infinite state of peace and wellness, a  deep, unwavering and infinite state of love, and a deep, unwavering and infinite state of joy! I desire every life-giving, out-of-alignment warning signal of negative emotional resistance to be a blip on my radar as I bask in well-being 99% of the time. There is nothing I desire more than to be fully in the flow with Source. There is nothing I want more than flow with Source as Source fully utilizes all of my gifts and abilities to help others.

And so I give up all control. I give up trying to figure things out. And I invite Source to bring all I have ever desired and more in the most surprising and wonderful ways. 

Here we go!…

Universe, light my way, light up the path I'm to follow!
Universe, light my way, light up the path I’m to follow! Bring me home. Bring us home.

2 thoughts on “Untangling and Uncovering a Mess of Desire

  1. argh i commented on this yesterday and it disappeared! i think it was my sketchy wifi connection. well i agreed that yes, allowing is usually, if not always, the most challenging part of the LOA process, especially for us action/impatient (me) types!

    abe makes fun of us for having such a hard time with relaxing and enjoying the process. but for me it’s still this idea that i have to keep affirming what i want, so the universe really knows i mean it. lol. there’s nothing wrong with that if it gives us joy and excitement to think about it, but when it’s coming from that anxious and impatient place, well…that’s upstream. and it gets a bit complicated when there are so many desires going on.

    i love the line about not needing a specific thing to desire. just focus on what feels good. it’s just that brilliantly simple, isn’t it?! reminds me of the concept of going general. i can now feel the point where my desires are becoming too specific and causing resistance. this is when i have to sit back and trust that i have done the asking and as much as my mind wants to sort out the details and analyze, the best thing might be to just…take a nap or something. lol. xo.

    1. Haha, yeah, that’s where I am with my “big” dreams, my castles. I want to take action towards it so bad that I keep leaping forward in action when the actions I need to be taking are solely those of raising my vibration, of feeling good. But when you have trained into action, action, action through adulthood to get everything you want…it’s really hard to relax and enjoy life! For a long period if time I worked 7 days a week and for most of my life I’ve had multiple jobs at one time…relaxing is something I always want and then feel guilty about doing because it feels nonproductive. It’s silly and I’m really starting to get past that now thank goodness! But tjd point of this story is that for me, I needed specifics, specific things to do in order to achieve clarity about what I really want and greater alignment with Source. And I found this in the book Ask and it is Given. The processes are phenomenal and that’s what I’m writing about now as I play with them and also prepare to hold a workshop at the Women’s Retreat at my church in January on the Law of Attraction. It’s going to be an intro to LOA and interactive discussion, so I think it will be badass and hopefully spawn more workshops! Exciting stuff huh? I’m going to use the creation box process for Wayne Dyer in Maui also and watch what manifests 😀 Hopefully we’ll meet!

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