The Eternal Path

There’s really not a day that goes by that I don’t play music in some way or another. If music makes somebody’s day a little bit better, even for the three minutes that the song is on, then it’s working. 

I’ve always had a big fire inside me to create something. If I don’t feel like I’m creating something, then I feel like I’m dying and that’s what fuels the music and the songs. I will always write music.” 

Zac Brown of the Zac Brown Band

Zac Brown Band_Hugh

I was listening to Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) yesterday on my way home from feeding my horses. It never ceases to amaze me how I can listen to the same mp3s over and over and still get something new out of them every time. Abraham teaches us that, “We can’t get it wrong and we’ll never get it done–that we can’t get it wrong because we’ll never get it done. Life is an eternal path. There is always going to be a gap between the eternal being that we are and the place we’ve physically expanded to, because the contrast of life is always going to cause us to launch new desires.”

My new understanding is that the second we launch a desire for something, the eternal part of us, being entirely free, immediately expands to this new level. This is one and the same with the teachings that all of our desires are created in a vibrational reality before they manifest into our physical reality. The eternal part of us is always going to be ahead of the physical culmination of our being. So it’s not about closing this gap, but it is about finding the path of least resistance from vibrational reality to physical manifestation. It’s about finding the path of least resistance to integrity, to the integration of our eternal spirit and our physical being. And then, with the launching of new desires,  a new gap is formed. It is right and it is good. There is no need to ever feel bad for not being where you want to be. It’s not about arriving at the desired destination, it’s about the realization that, being an eternal being in a physical body, we are always co-creating our own worlds in every moment. It’s about the realization of our creative power. It’s about the fun of creating whatever we want! This is why it’s so important to find joy in the now, to have fun on your way to the desires you’ve launched. Life was meant to be fun and that is the most difficult lesson for me to learn.

That’s also why I LOVE this Zac Brown quote so much. I love, love, love it! It just penetrated my soul as this is exactly how I feel about my art. I can feel that the eternal me has expanded into a place where the fire inside of me that drives me to create has grown into an inferno and I feel like I’m dying a little bit every day I don’t get to immerse myself in creating art. So I’m trying to reach that place in which I’m having my fun on my way to the great success I’m reaching for, like I feel Zac Brown has mastered. When a desire for something that hasn’t manifested gets extremely powerful, it’s imperative to achieve the state of allowing that lets the manifestation in…which means it’s imperative to have fun, to be filled with gratitude, to laugh, and to be joyous in the now. None of which are things I want to do! I want to work, and work, and work until I make my dreams manifest right here right now! But that’s only OK if I have fun, if I’m filled with gratitude, if I laugh, and if I’m joyous as I work my way to living ALL that I love. What I really, really, really want cannot manifest in my life as long as my energy is split between my deep-seated desires and my disappointment or devastation at not having what I want so badly yet. I have to do the work and do it with a smile, inside and out.

It feels really close. Everything I want feels really close. Almost every day I am getting flashes of blissful memories of times in my life in which I have felt amazingly free and joy-filled. What’s interesting, and I don’t know what it means, is that most of the memories are from travelling.Like the first time I stepped out of the car at a gas station in Sedona and felt like I’d just walked onto a movie set. The rock is so red, it didn’t seem real! It’s absolutely gorgeous and every time I go there, I am awestruck by Sedona’s deep beauty and inspired to create.


I also remember driving alone, in my early 20’s, to Arizona on my way to get my Grandma, driving through the Texas panhandle, seeing giant tumbleweeds come rolling across the highway in the darkness of night and feeling like I was in another world. That was my very first trip to Arizona. I get flashes of my first time taking Grandma home from Arizona, driving through the mountains outside of Flagstaff and feeling that heart-pounding excitement of seeing snow-covered mountaintops and log cabins for the first time. I remember the amazing feeling of driving through the Navajo reservation in Arizona. (I feel some incredible connection with Native Americans.)

I remember walking off the plane in Hawaii, in January, having left the Midwest in a blizzard and arrived in a tropical paradise on the same day. I’ve gotten flashes of my first night in Cancun, walking and dancing along the beach, and the soft roar of the ocean. The sand and ocean were just glowing in the moonlight. And I remember, when I was in high school, spending so much time in the barn, out with the horses, and being out so early in the morning horseback riding that I got to watch the sun rise from the back of my horse.

Moonlit Beach w Watermark copy

When I start thinking about all of the places I’ve gotten to see and things I’ve gotten to do, I am filled with joy and gratitude for the immense abundance of amazing moments I’ve collected. And when I write poetry, when I create, and when I feel really connected to the lyrics in a song…I’ve noticed the importance of the little moments. I’ve noticed that when people think back over their lives, it’s the little things that matter most; those little details that spark emotion in us. For me, the sweet smell of hay, the way the leather creaked when I swung into that old Hereford saddle…even the smell of wet saddle blankets just fills me with fond memories of horses from my youth. Even right now, the house may be messy, but there are steaks and potatoes on the grill and three adorable puppies basking in the warm glow of the living room. Every moment there’s something to appreciate…the sun warming your back, a good song on the radio, or even just the senses to experience your own unique, personal interpretation of life. Appreciation for the very breath you’re able to draw. Raw gratitude for all things and experiences.

Last night as I was driving to work, not really wanting to be driving to work, so I put my headphones on and listened to “Free” by the Zac Brown Band. I listened as I cruised under one glowing streetlight to the next; from one stoplight to the next. I listened as the hustle and bustle of cars and people increased as I drew nearer to the heart of town, finally found a place to park, and hopped out to walk several blocks to the bar I work at on the weekends. I listened as I passed person after person and glowing lamp after glowing lamp, past old brownstone buildings, the neon-filled windows of bars, and decorative storefronts. I listened as I lit out across old brick streets and a cool breeze whipped my hair like a flag in the wind. And I listened as I bounded up the steps and through the front doors of the bar. We are just as free, free as we’ll ever be. These moments, when I’m heading to work, when I have do laundry, when I have to spend soooo much time doing things other than what I really want to do, I can feel the raging inferno inside threatening to consume me if I don’t release it into some form of creativity. I know what Zac Brown is talking about. I feel it all the time.

But instead of railing against the invisible brick walls or rattling the bars of the invisible prison I’ve created in my mind by feeding into a succession of thoughts about how all I want to do is be free to create all the time, but I’m not…I’m going to honor that fire in me by finding joy in the now I don’t want; by finding joy in the things that must be done that I don’t want to do. I’m going to honor that fire by opening the door of my heart in every moment for its expansion in my life, no matter what that moment contains. I’m going to keep throwing that door of my heart open, because what if it’s right? What if it’s right that I have to work two jobs as I build my art business? What if it’s right because it’s the path of least resistance to meeting the right person to connect me to something big and wonderful for my business? What if it’s right because I’m going to learn something that will forever change the course of my life in the process? Just…what if it’s right? What if the very thing I hate and don’t want, is actually right and I just need to open my heart to receive it? What if the linchpin for everything that I want exists within the walls of everything that I don’t? 

What if!?

Tonight I have to work. But today I got to write. It isn’t enough. I don’t just want more, I need more. I need more time to create. There’s an urgency roaring within me. I feel like my life depends on it. I don’t just want to create as bad as I want air. I need to create with the same necessity in which I need to breathe. And that is how I know I’m close, I’m so close, to all of my dreams coming true. If I can keep my heart propped open for all of life as it is to be loved, I know all that I love and want will become my life fully. I’m so close. I’m so close! It’s only a matter of openhearted time.

Processes for Discovering, Creating, and Manifesting Desires Part 1

Just in time, as I was reading Ask and it is Given, I got to the part of the book with all of the processes for achieving alignment with Source (and from whatever level you are vibing at, from the deepest, darkest depression to being just slightly vibrationally off kilter). Before the first process was given, just in the introduction to the processes, this really jumped out at me:

Focusing Energy to Change Your Vibrational Offering:

When you remember an incident from a past experience, you are focusing Energy. When you are imagining something that may occur in your future, you are focusing Energy, and, of course, when you are observing something in your now, you are focusing Energy. It makes no difference whether you are focusing on the past, present, or future, you are still focusing Energy–and your point of attention or focus is causing you to offer a vibration that is your point of attraction. 

When you spend time pondering, remembering or imagining something, a vibration is activated within you. If you return to that thought, you again activate the vibration. The more often you revisit a thought, the more familiar the vibration becomes, and the easier it is for you to activate it, until eventually it becomes a dominant vibrational pattern within you. And as it plays a larger role in your vibrational pattern, things that match it begin to show up in your experience.

And so there are two surefire ways to understand what your vibrational offering is: Notice what is happening in your experience (for what you are focused upon and what is manifesting are always a vibrational match), and notice how you feel (because emotions are giving you constant feedback about your vibrational offering and your point of attraction). –Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Herein lies the importance of being CONSCIOUS of your thoughts. And for me, the understanding that thoughts focus energy, those words, really busted my mind way open. I “got it” in a way I hadn’t before. So in order to deliberately create, we need to be able to guide our thoughts in a way that focuses our energy into matching the energy of what we desire. The processes in this book teach us how to do that and wherever we are is always the perfect place to begin.

As I am developing a routine of cultivating oneness with Source, I am ceaselessly appreciating my great love: Colorado mountains!
As I am developing a routine of cultivating oneness with Source, I am ceaselessly appreciating my great love of Colorado mountains!

But first, here is the explanation of how most people in the world operate and it explains how people acquire feelings of powerlessness. I feel that this is SO important to understand before we can begin deliberately creating in our own lives. We have to understand how we attract things into our lives with thought, that we need to be conscious of our thoughts for this very reason, and we need to understand how the majority of the people in the world are operating (and why that doesn’t work).

There is Always Another Uncontrollable Circumstance When Trying to Control Others:

Most people offer the majority of their thought vibrations in response to something they are observing. When they observe something wonderful, they feel wonderful; when they observe something awful, they feel awful, but they believe they have no control over how they feel because they cannot control the circumstances that they have observed. 

That is worth repeating!

People believe they have no control over how they feel because they cannot control the circumstances that they have observed.


But if you take control of your emotions and work your way up the emotional scale to a better feeling state, or higher vibration, then YOU can begin creating the circumstances that you observe. This is how you shift from feeling powerless to feeling, and being, powerful. You have to change your state of being in order to draw into your life, or be a vibrational match to, all the things you desire. There is nothing you can’t be or do or have. This is how you discover your immense power, that you really and truly are the creator of your own life. This is how you begin the journey to creating deliberately. This is  how you begin to live your dreams!

Many people spend the majority of their lives attempting to control circumstances because they believe that in the controlling of circumstances, they will feel better. But no matter how much control they gain over the actions of others, it is never enough– because there is always another uncontrollable circumstance.

You have no creative power within the lives of others, for they are offering their own vibrations, which equal their own point of attraction, just as you are offering your own vibrations, which equal your own point of attraction. –Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The intro to the processes goes on to explain how Deliberate Creation is about choosing a thought that feels good when you choose it, which then causes the condition to change. You don’t change the condition and then feel better, because you have to make yourself a vibrational match to what you desire before it can manifest in your life. It also explains how you can only attract thoughts within your vibrational range. (This is where I’ve been stuck!) You have work your way towards creating a new vibrational set-point. While it’s easy to make small vibrational jumps, it is difficult, or even impossible, to make large ones. Here is where the processes come in! With these processes you can deliberately create change in your vibrational set-point!

In the next post I’ll give the complete list of processes, the emotional scale, and the relationship between where you’re at on the emotional scale and which processes will work for you.

I am completely enthralled with this information and intensely passionate about it, because it’s the blueprint for being, doing, having anything and everything you desire. It’s a complete listing of signposts to guide you on your individual journeys from where you are, whatever state that may be, to where you want to be. I hope you get as much out of this as I have, or  more!

Colorado Cows 1
Cattle grazing at the base of some Colorado mountains and rain falling on the other side. The photo doesn’t do the true beauty of the scene justice! It was magnificent in person.





Untangling and Uncovering a Mess of Desire

When it comes to pursuing desires, what many people, especially hardworking people, often forget to ask themselves is the simple question:

“Do I want to do it?”

And then follow that question up with:

“Does it feel fun?”

“Is it something I want to do or is it something I think I should do?

Does my heart sing in the idea of the beginning steps of it?”  

And if the answer is, “I don’t know,” then it’s too soon. Or if the answer is, “No, I’m doing it because I should,” then perhaps it isn’t the right thing to do. –Abraham

What I need to do is drop the oars and quit paddling up stream. I keep trying to sort of manhandle things in my life into place even though I know that doesn’t work. When I know what I want, I have no trouble focusing on what I want until I get it. I am a blank slate for the Universe to write instructions upon, which I obediently follow. Everything lines up effortlessly. But recently I  have acquired a seemingly random and seemingly incomplete jumble of desires. I want so badly to focus 1000% of my being into creating the life of my dreams, but I don’t know where to start or what to do with all these desires. Or at least I didn’t until I listened  to the above words of Abraham.

Colorado 93
Oh to live out here with my amazing boyfriend, puppies, and horses *wistful sigh* ❤

Where I was confused and seeking clarity I asked myself those questions. It turns out the tangles were all things I think I should be doing. Not things I really want to do. Not things I really think will be fun. Not things that make my heart sing. What happens is, being the devoted Law of Attraction student I am, I read and read and read. I study, study, and study. I have a little success. I launch 1000 rockets of desire, because if there’s anything I’ve ever been good at since birth, it’s dreaming! Then I get antsy. I get anxious. Of the thousands of rockets of desire I’ve launched, there are a handful that are all-consuming desires. They are “big” from where I’m standing. And in no way do I have any idea how or where to begin moving towards these astronomical desires, but I want to move towards them and I want to move towards them LAST YEAR!

In my anxious impatience I began doing things to try to bang elements into place that I thought would lead me closer to some of things I desire. Shockingly (sarcasm) all the actions I have taken and all the banging around I’ve done, trying to find something productive to do to create these amazingly wonderful things I want so desperately, has not panned out.

Colorado 91
I looove pine trees, and their bark. I love the smell of pine!

So what’s the answer? How do I manifest this “BIG” stuff?

Oh yeah. The ART OF ALLOWING. Yes, that. It’s so hard for a hardworking, action-oriented type of person to LET GO. But if I believe that I am a creator and that the way I create is by achieving a vibration that the Law of Attraction responds to, then shouldn’t EVERY EFFORT that I offer, hardworking person that I am, (or the majority of every effort that I offer) be about producing the emotion or the feeling and trusting that the rest will fill in, because it will? Umm…YES.

When I try to bang things into place with action, it’s like putting the cart before the horse. It’s like paddling upstream with all my might. It’s hard and it sucks and I don’t want to do it anymore.

Many people determine that they want to feel a certain way and then focus on an avenue that they think will get them there. But if they focused on creating the emotions or feelings, the feeling state of having what they desire, then a multitude of avenues would open up.  There is not one opportunity, there are many opportunities. There is not one path to what you desire, there are endless paths to all that you desire. –Abraham

But do you want to know what I really “got” today that was so huge?

I don’t even need a specific thing to desire.

Sit with that idea yourself for a while.

All I need to do is launch a powerful desire to feel good, just light that rocket of desire up, and get out of the way. Because what is behind every rocket of desire we launch? The belief that we will feel better in the having of it. What are we always, always, always wanting? To feel better. So pursuing feeling better, launching a powerful rocket of desire to feel good, raising oneself vibrationally…it’s like  a one-stop vibrational shop for everything wonderful you’ve ever wanted. You don’t have to work hard. You don’t. You really don’t. You just have to focus on feeling good, keeping your vibration up, and allowing the Universe to figure out EVERYTHING for you.

Looking up!
Looking up!

This is why it’s easier to manifest things you don’t care about. You love, appreciate, and desire something. You forget about it (allowing). And then all of a sudden, surprise, there it is, from an unexpected avenue, out of the blue. Honestly, it’s really fun to launch a desire for something, expect it to show up, and wait for that out of the blue moment when it seemingly falls out of the sky into your lap.

So I’m doing this with my art business, my love of Parelli Natural Horsemanship, my passion for studying the Law of Attraction, and my deep-seated desire to live in Pagosa Springs. I’m just going to focus on loving, appreciating, and enjoying these things. I’m going to focus on loving, appreciating, and enjoying myself. I’m going to focus on loving, appreciating, and enjoying everything I do. I’m dropping the oars and letting myself float with the flow of the Stream of Well-being.  I’m going to quit the exhausting efforts I’ve been making to try to figure things out (a sure sign you’re trying to push and bang things into place instead of allowing). I’m letting the Universe take the reins in my life and fully opening myself to endless possibility.

I surrender all to SOURCE.

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The stream of Well-Being, I love the sound of water and feeling of being immersed in nature.

I’m tired of being tired and tired of that feeling of not being there yet. Of not reaching and fulfilling all of my potential. Of not living in the service of grand purpose. I’m tired of being out of alignment! All I want is now is to live as one with Source.

Colorado 87

There is no longer anything I desire as deeply as a deep, unwavering and infinite state of peace and wellness, a  deep, unwavering and infinite state of love, and a deep, unwavering and infinite state of joy! I desire every life-giving, out-of-alignment warning signal of negative emotional resistance to be a blip on my radar as I bask in well-being 99% of the time. There is nothing I desire more than to be fully in the flow with Source. There is nothing I want more than flow with Source as Source fully utilizes all of my gifts and abilities to help others.

And so I give up all control. I give up trying to figure things out. And I invite Source to bring all I have ever desired and more in the most surprising and wonderful ways. 

Here we go!…

Universe, light my way, light up the path I'm to follow!
Universe, light my way, light up the path I’m to follow! Bring me home. Bring us home.

The Millionaire Mind: Can we really think and grow rich?

My fascination with the mind and the Law of Attraction is continuously bringing about new questions in my life. Is it entirely the mind that determines who becomes rich and who becomes poor? Which is more powerful, the collective consciousness or the mind of one individual? These questions have led to greater and greater seeking. Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of excitement about two certain books. Over and over I kept stumbling across them. They are: Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and T. Harv Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Finally enough tidbits of information sparked enough interest in me that I decided to purchase both books.


I heard the most intriguing story about the book Think and Grow Rich. As an Abraham-Hicks student I’ve listened to and read much of the teachings of Abraham through Esther and Jerry Hicks. Before Esther and Jerry met, Jerry was a student of Think and Grow Rich, had a lot of great success with the teachings, and had even gone on to try to teach the lessons in the book to others. Not everyone would have success. Unable to figure out why some people would have wild success with Think and Grow Rich teachings while others would not, Jerry set out on a mission to find the answer to that question. Later, still on this quest for answers, he met and married Esther. To make a long story short, over time they came to realize that Esther could channel nonphysical energy, a collection of master teachers they call Abraham. Years after the Abraham teachings about us all being vibrational beings, the Law of Attraction, Deliberate Creation, and the Art of Allowing had come about, Jerry discovered the truth about Think and Grow Rich. The original copy of the book, as Napoleon Hill wrote it, had been revised. Certain words and pieces of information were missing. So what was omitted?

The word vibration.

I thought this was so interesting, so I did a search and you can actually purchase Think and Grow Rich in its restored, original form. Mine should be arriving Friday. If you are interested in purchasing it for yourself, just search for Think and Grow Rich- The original version, restored and revised, now fully annotated and indexed. I read through the reviews and one of the customer reviews did discuss the addition of the word vibration in this copy, so I’m pretty excited to read this book.


Now, as for the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind…

I’ve only just started reading this book and I’m excited by just about every single page I’ve read so far. It blends new and fascinating information with what I already know to be true about the Law of Attraction. See, it has sort of become my mission to debunk and dissolve the starving artist myth. I grew up believing that you couldn’t make money as an artist and these subconscious beliefs prevented me from being successful in my first two art business attempts. This book has expanded my awakening to the power of the mind and especially the power our subconscious programming has over the results of our life.

For example, this Wealth Principle from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind:

If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a nonsupportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to “prove” yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.

Why? Because you can’t solve any of these issues with money. Take fear, for instance. During my seminars I ask the audience, “How many of you would cite fear as your primary motivation for for success?” Not many people put up their hand. However, then I ask, “How many of you would cite security as one of your main motivators for success?” Almost everyone puts up his or her hand. But get this–security and fear are both motivated by the same thing. Seeking security comes from insecurity, which is based in fear.

So, will more money dissolve the fear? You wish! But the answer is absolutely not. Why? Because money is not the root of the problem; fear is. What’s even worse is that fear is not just a problem, it’s a habit. Therefore, making more money will only change the kind of fear we have.

-Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Think 2

What jumped out at me here is “fear habit”. We all have fear habits and they prevent us from being who we truly are and living our best life. This is such a huge topic that I’m going to dedicate my entire next post to this topic, but I think this is the answer to some of my opening questions.

I think the greatest thing holding people back from achieving greater success is fear and fear exists in the unhealthy subconscious programming. We need to spend more time being conscious and really awaken to who we are and what we really want.

Through the management of “programmed” perceptions, the mind controls our biology, behaviour and gene activity. The seat of thinking, freewill, personal identity, and our wants, desires and intentions is a small 40 “bit” self-conscious processor that controls our lives only 5% of the day or less. The million times more powerful subconscious mind controls 95% or more of our lives using “habits” derived from instincts and the perceptions acquired in our life experiences.  ~Bruce Lipton

I’m starting to dream up creative ways to teach this information to others, with a focus on creativity and art. Not just because I’m an artist, but because I think we are smack dabble in the middle of a huge awakening in consciousness and what the new man and new woman most need to know is how to tap into their creativity. How to fully engage the right side of their brains. The future demands it. Careers as we once knew them are changing, everything is going digital, and the people who are going to be in the highest demand are the creative thinkers. The one thing computers can’t do is imagine.

Also, in this time of awakening, what is it people most need? To feed their spirit, to sense something that stirs their soul, to feel moved, jolted, to have that rush of emotion flood their systems and remind them of their true divine nature. And who does that best? Artists! Artists can communicate that which cannot be spoken through creative expression. Artists can touch those places that can’t be explained and express them in a way that can be universally understood. Artists are professional dreamers and this is exactly what the world needs: people all over the planet dreaming up a new world. So put on your conscious thinking cap, start dreaming and…

“Dream up the kind of world you want to live in and dream out loud!” -Bono

BONO watermarked
This is absolutely one of my favorite drawings out of all the drawings I’ve ever done! I’ve been a fan of Bono and U2 since I was 10 years old. I am SO inspired by Bono’s writing, speaking, and his work with the ONE Campaign in Africa. He is an incredible human being and we can all learn so much from him!

~Vibrations~ Where ART and Energy Collide in Glorious Symphony

Since I first began my art business, my goal has been to create “a diverse collection of spiritually inspired artwork designed to express love, faith, joy, and illumine the heart and mind” as I so stated in my description of Art by Jaclyn Miriam in my Etsy store. However, the meaning of what I wrote has been steadily evolving to greater and greater depths since I first wrote it. I am slowly but surely awakening!

And so...the journey of awakening expands!
And so…the journey of awakening expands!

First, it’s important to understand that we are vibrational beings. Everything on this planet and beyond is vibrating. Everything is energy. Our senses are merely interpreting vibrations. Negative emotions emit low level vibrations. The vibrations of love, peace, and harmony are high vibrations. When you’re feeling really good, you’re vibrating high. And when you’re stable in your vibration, nothing and no one can shake you from it. My goal is to increasingly vibrate at a higher frequency and reach such stability in my high vibration that not only can no one throw me off my frequency, but people around me will either be elevated or repelled by my presence. There’s an excellent explanation of how our vibrations mix and mash with the vibrations of others here:

As an artist all of this new knowledge has made me wonder, if I am vibrating and I can transmit my energy to another person, and vice versa, what does that mean in terms of my creation of art? In my quest for more knowledge on the subject, I stumbled across this article: 5 Tips to Increase Your Energetic Vibrational Frequency:

The aliveness of the earth is vibrating high, so I think this is maybe why being in nature is so healing for us.
The aliveness of the earth is vibrating high, so I think this is maybe why being in nature is so healing for us. I just love the richness of color and contrast in the clouds and the field. It reminds me of being out in the country when I was little. I was always so enthralled with nature and clouds. I still am!

I loooooove these words from the 5 tips article:

The quantum physicists have proven it: We are not just this physical body. Our presence doesn’t end at our skin line. We have an energy field around us.

 This energetic aura connects us to other living beings and the universe around us. We are all interconnected. Each one of us has a unique aura, and we are part of the same divine brilliance that created the infinite cosmos.

 When we are in touch with this feeling of being a part of the divine, our true essence being love, then our energy vibrates at a high frequency. Our positive thoughts and feelings and healthy practices support a bright energy field.

 On the other hand, if we live in a state of fear, negativity, and separation, and fill our body with unhealthy substances (low-vibrational food, alcohol, and drugs), then our energy field becomes blocked, clouded, and dark.

 Our energy is a magnet. It attracts experiences in the world to match our energetic field. Because we create our energy with how we treat ourselves inside and out, we are responsible for our energy and our life experiences. Life doesn’t happen to us. Rather, our outer experience reflects our inner state.


So we are all extensions of Source energy and our energetic auras connect us to other living beings and the universe around us. This means that our energy feeds into and intermingles with the energy of: everything we think, everything we do, and everyone and everything we come into contact with throughout the day. Our thoughts have energy and that is what gives them life. So our thoughts are creations in and of themselves. It’s my understanding that it’s the energy we put into thinking them that gives them life. Thoughts with enough energy can then manifest into things.

It’s true that I’m very creative and every piece of artwork I’ve ever done first began as a thought. However, “creative” isn’t a label reserved solely for artists. Every person is a creative being and the creator of his or her life. To be creative is to think something new into being, whether it’s rearranging the furniture in your house, painting a picture, or changing your state of being. Simply shifting your thoughts from something negative to something positive is a creative act–a very powerful creative act!

Living is a creative act!

My whole world has changed since I’ve come to understand that we are all extensions of Source energy. So now I think of each person as a soul in a human casing, and I think of the soul as energy–the energetic extension of Source. Since I’ve come to understand that we are energy and (Law of Attraction, like attracts like) that we are magnets that can’t be shut off, constantly drawing to us experiences that match our vibration, nothing is more important to me than feeling good. Taking good care of myself is my number one priority. Being in this moment, wholly feeling what I’m feeling in this moment, and using this emotional guidance to direct my footfalls on the path to creating the life of my dreams is what living is all about for me now.

This understanding has changed the way I create art. My number one priority for myself is feeling good, but my number one priority for creating art is to be vibrating at a very high frequency before I begin creating. I want the art I create to carry that same high frequency vibration I’m putting into the creative process. In order to create inspired artwork, I need to be in a state in which I can put strong positive emotions, good energy, into my thoughts about what I’m creating and allow the evolution of inspired action to unfold. This also makes me think that the more in tune I am with the true essence of myself, which is pure love, then the more brilliantly inspired my artwork will become. My creativity will grow and expand. More brilliant ideas can flow into my imagination. I’m excited! I think it’s time to go create some art!

I loved how the article explained that we have an energy field around us, or an energetic aura. I noticed when I first got these pictures of Josey and I, as soon as I raised the contrast a bit, I noticed I could see a faint glowing outline around Josey and I in several photos.  It must be our auras! You can really see it around Josey in this picture and even around me, those it’s mostly visible around Josey’s ears. I’d wondered what it was. Now I know!

Manifesting the Art and Life of My Dreams

Right now I may be sitting in my recliner with my laptop sitting on my lap, typing away as I write this new post. However, that’s not where my mind is. In my mind I’m experiencing the mystical awe and beauty of the mountains in southwest Colorado. I know that’s where I’m going, because that’s where I’m drawn. When you feel a pull for something that floods you with such emotion that you can’t even imagine the having of it without it bringing tears to your eyes and flooding you with joy–well, then my friend, you have found your direction.

Will I be moving here this fall? We'll see!
Will I be moving here this fall? We’ll see! It’s only a matter of time.

Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that when you woke up, you thought you were still in it? With practice I have been doing this with my dreams for my life, on purpose. I have come to realize that through life I discover many, many things that I want, but I haven’t moved towards them, because I don’t know how to get them. This is completely absurd! Let me tell you why.

First some back story, then I’ll explain the absurdity of not moving towards things you want but don’t know how to get.

I’m an artist and I’m highly creative. I am constantly dreaming up new ideas, creating them, and selling them. When I dream up a new idea it will just come to me from out of the blue. I’ll think about it. I’ll think about how I’ll do it. I come up with an idea of how the process is going to go and how it will look when it’s done. Then I begin. Through the process of creating I always discover new things: what works well, what doesn’t, what I’ll do different on the next one and sometimes the result looks very much like the image I was holding to while other times it turns out mind-blowingly more awesome than I’d imagined.

Once in a while, though, I get a do-over. Sometimes the do-overs become the best creative pieces. For example I took a messed up distressed canvas print, sanded some of the paper off, left the chunks that were glued really well, and made a fabulous abstract painting with great color and depth, then I painted affirmations over it. I learned a long time ago that there are no mistakes in creating art. When I was little I used to sit and watch Bob Ross paint. He always said, “There are no mistakes in painting, only happy accidents.” I love that. I never forgot that. What a wonderful thing to have imprinted in my brain as a child.

Now, the explanation:

As an artist I am following the Law of Attraction to a T. I move through life looking for things I like, for creative ideas, and they come to me by the dozens. Like most ideas, these don’t come with a how-to manual. As an artist, however, the unknown aspects of how to create something don’t stop me–quite the opposite. The unknown aspects of creating a new piece of work are the fuel dousing my burning desire to create, morphing that burning desire into a massive, unstoppable inferno. Then it’s not long before I’ve created what I set out to create, only to find myself immediately hungry for something more. I am dreaming it, imagining it, and allowing myself to receive it by never doubting my creative abilities. Why am I ONLY using this in my art. Why don’t I use this process in EVERY part of my life?

Well we all can. The dreams we have are truly delicious, but as we keep dreaming our dreams and feeling them manifest in our lives (with zero idea of how this will happen)…as delicious as that is, watching the unknown aspects of our dreams, the how, begin to manifest is the most delicious part of all! The surprise and delight of seeing what we created in our minds come to be is the purpose of our lives. We are creative beings and we came here to create what we desire.

To me, a desire is a pull, a tugging yearning for something, a call from the universe saying, “Move towards that!”

The greatest joy and expansion comes through the journey of  moving towards that which is tugging at your soul. If you are alive you have purpose, you have the ability to look around you, to form a desire for something, and to create that in your own life. To live is to grow and expand either towards creation or disintegration. Your cells are dying and new ones are being made. In a year, maybe less, there won’t be a single cell left in your body that is the same. Through this you are either replaying old dysfunctional tapes from your subconscious, moving towards disintegration, or you are learning new things, growing and expanding, through creation of new ideas. It’s your choice in every single moment.

I love what Bob Proctor says on this subject:

“There is something inside of you that’s urging you to grow. This is the spiritual side of our personality, it’s the essence of our being, and spirit is always for expansion and fuller expression. There’s something in you that wants you to grow. If you run, you want to run faster. If you jump, you want to jump higher. If you’re an artist, you want to create greater art. This is good. It causes dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction is a creative state. You should be happy with where you are, but never satisfied.”

He goes on to explain that there’s also something in us that wants to stop us.

He calls it our old paradigms, or the programming of our subconscious mind. I immediately knew exactly what he was talking about, because I’ve studied epigenetics and the work of Bruce H. Lipton. I wrote about this in and As this new knowledge has permeated my mind, my whole life has changed. I wake up thanking my bed and my pillow for a good night’s sleep. I feel more love for my boyfriend and our two puppies (they’re fully grown dogs, but we still call them our puppies). I feel more joy for being alive and such great appreciation for all we have. The more I study these things, the more how I feel on a daily basis changes, and in turn, the more my life as whole changes.

I’ll tell you exactly what’s happening in me:

My awareness of my Inner Being and my thoughts has been, and still is, growing. As my awareness of my true self grows, my vibration raises. As my vibration raises, I keep entering into greater and greater levels of peace, harmony, and love.

As we all do, I attract what I am. 

When I first heard Wayne Dyer say, “I don’t attract what I want. I will attract into my life what I am,” I wasn’t sure what he meant. For a long time I scratched my head and pondered the meaning of those words, which kept coming up. Now I understand. Because I am more peaceful, more harmonious with my true being, and more loving, I attract that from everyone and everything around me. It’s the same as saying you have to be a vibrational match to that which you desire in order to manifest it in your life from a dream into a physical reality. 

I am beginning to understand effortless accomplishment. I used to have the messiest house and now my house is thoroughly organized. The kitchen will become messy from cooking a meal and then, like magic, I’ll come to and realize I’ve just finished cleaning the entire kitchen. I wanted to be happier and more joyful. Now I wake up, without effort, in a state of gratitude. If you want it, seek it, and study the Law of Attraction (and maybe other spiritual practices as well, study what speaks to you) and one day you will just wake up and realize you’re a different person.

So as I use my creative process for creating new art, I am using it to create a new life. A life in Pagosa Springs, Colorado where I will live with the loves of my life: my life partner, Jordan, our two puppies, my three horses, and my burning desire to create whatever is tugging at my soul.

I am excited to say that I have finally reached my goal of feeling no doubt and no worry when I think of all the things I want to manifest in my art and my life as a whole. I wish this FOR EVERYONE. There is no greater feeling than the peace of mind that comes from reaching a vibrational state in which you are FREE from all the illusions and delusions that dominate this world. I am infinite potential and when I see you, I see your infinite potential as well. We are all equally endowed with the brilliance and power that creates worlds. It’s my mission to emit such a strong vibration of peace, love, and harmony through every aspect of my life, especially my art,  that it sparks an awakening in those who come into contact with it.

There is only one way, one word, to end this post. It transcends all religions and no religions. The meaning is PERFECT. So here it is.



Pagosa Springs, I'm coming for you soon!
Pagosa Springs, I’m coming for you soon!


Follow Your Heart: Intuition is Multisensory Perception

“Multisensory Perception we are becoming a new human species.  The five senses together are really only one sense. They are a single-sensory system and the object of detection that they detect, is physical reality. But there is much more to this world. As a species in the past, we’ve been limited to that. There have always been people who have not been limited to that; every one of our religions is named after one. But the difference is that now all of humankind is beginning to get a new perceptual capability. We have access to compassion and wisdom that is far greater than what we can provide to ourselves.” –Gary Zukav

Physics Example:

“The light spectrum that we can see with our eyes runs from red to violet.  But we know that there is light, below red, so to speak. We call that infrared. We know that there’s light that’s higher than violet. We call that ultraviolet light. Beyond that is microwave and beyond that are all of the frequencies, including television frequencies. We don’t see it. But where are they? They’re here in this room with us now. We can only see a small bit of that infinite spectrum. All we can see is red to violet. That’s what we call the light spectrum. But any physicist can tell you that the spectrum of light goes way beyond red in one direction, and do you know how far? Infinitely. And it goes way beyond violet in the other direction, infinitely. And of this infinite spectrum, this is what we can see.

And with the five senses we are saying, this is reality and this is all there is.


As you become multisensory, what happens is, those intuitive feelings you have become as real as what you can see, smell, taste, touch, and hear. And what’s more, those intuitive feelings become more powerful than what your other five senses are telling you. You reach a place where you will follow your heart no matter what your head or five senses tell you.” –Gary Zukav


What an image of how little we can see! I felt a sense of great relief when I first heard about multisensory perception and I really love the way Gary describes it here. I think we all have intuitive feelings, but we “rationalize” and we get “realistic” and we abandon the most powerful guiding force we can muster. I think we’ve all gone against our gut feelings and paid a price at one point in time or another. One element of what I’m trying to do with my practice of yoga of meditation is cultivate a stronger intuition. I want to tap into that spiritual realm and really create an intuitive lighthouse to guide my way through life.

In the past I have a experienced a very strong knowing at certain times. It’s like words are spoken in your head, in your voice, but they didn’t come from you, if that makes sense? One story that’s very vivid happened just like this. I was working for a big company with many departments and I was hired there through a temp agency. I had been working in one department from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. for two months when I switched to another department with the hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I was also taking three online classes at this time, which was crazy to do with a full time job. I was really struggling to get up and make it to work on time with the change in hours and change in hours of when I could do school work. One morning I slept through my alarm for two hours, I was so exhausted. Another morning I was ten minutes late. I was almost late and just barely made it a handful of times. And then there I was, on my way to work, running just late enough that I was most likely going to be ten minutes late to work again. I was praying, praying, praying to make it when a Pat Parelli speech from a 2008 seminar popped into my head (this was the part that felt more  like a voice speaking to me than a memory)… “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. You have to make a transformation…” and I said out loud in my vehicle, “Oh God, I get it, I get it, I have to change how I do everything in order to get enough sleep and get up on time for work, I get it!” I felt a sense  of recognition and peace flood through me and as I got into town and then the craziest thing happened. It had never happened before and it has never happened since. I hit all green lights, all the way to my parking lot. Fourteen green lights in a row. I actually made it to work five minutes early that day and flopped down at my desk in total disbelief. That may not seem like a very profound story to you, but it certainly was to me, and I was never late again!

There was one other occasion in which I was searching for an art center, finally found it after many wrong turns, finally found the parking lot after much fruitless searching, pulled into the parking lot, and saw two guys about 100 yards away standing against a building. Something about the situation made the hair stand up on the back of my neck and every fiber of being was telling me to back out and just leave. I decided I was not going to override a feeling that strong and try to rationalize the fact that I didn’t know the guys and it was in the middle of the day, so it was probably nothing. No, I sat motionless in the parking lot for a few seconds, and then quickly took heed of the  biological warning signs to leave the area. I’ve heard a lot of stories about women ignoring those warning signals and ending up getting raped or beaten or experiencing some other terrible act of violence, all because they wanted to be nice. Forget that!! Better safe than sorry! When I feel a strong sense that danger is lurking, I cheese it out of there!

What I am working every day to build, however, is an extremely powerful intuitive sense of knowing where to go, what to do, what to say, and to who. Meditation seems to be the most powerful tool in tapping into multisensory capabilities. I really want to learn Transcendental Meditation, so that’s going to be a new entry for the vision board. Speaking of meditation, I think I’ll meditate before I tackle today’s algebra assignment. It’s the last class I have to finish in order to finally graduate with my Associate of Arts degree. I’m excited to be done with it and see what happens in the next two months. If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I’ve been pining for Pagosa Springs, Colorado and the opportunity to work for Parelli Natural Horsemanship. Well, I am an ambassador for an upcoming Parelli Horse and Soul tour stop (which means I’m doing marketing for it) and I’m a volunteer at that stop as well. I also met a woman at my church, in a chance encounter (it’s a BIG church), and discovered that she has a sister who is hardcore into Parelli (like I am) and I’m going to meet her soon. Even more interesting, my beloved life partner has been searching for a municipal job (he’s a powerlineman for a contractor) so he can be home every night and quit travelling. Oddly enough, by “accident”, I happened upon an opening in Pagosa Springs. What are the odds? So the application goes in today and we’ll see what happens. Who knows, a month from now I could be writing this blog from Pagosa Springs! Wouldn’t that be something?

What are your thoughts on multisensory perception? I love to hear what other people think!


How To Become a Vibrational Match for Your Desire


This evening I worked on collecting all of my random poetry writings from the various notebooks and other paper materials I’ve written in for recording in word documents and saving to my poetry folder on my computer. (Writing tends to be a very random act that spontaneously grabs me and later on, I can’t remember where I wrote that great piece of poetry down.) Then I played with my website a bit and began thinking about doing some serious creating. Maybe finish my painting of a big beautiful thunderhead I photographed back in 2010 (year of the thunderstorms in the Midwest!). Or, I thought, perhaps I’ll edit some more photography. Maybe I’ll work on that drawing that’s almost finished. I wasn’t sure which project I wanted to dive into, but I was sure I was going to meditate first.

I am still a meditation newbie and I have found the free guided meditations at very helpful. One of my favorite meditations to do is the “Bringing About What You Desire” meditation. It is essentially The Law of Attraction in meditation form. The biggest part of the meditation is about entering into the feeling state of having what you desire. I finished the meditation, as I have done many times, and felt especially disconnected this time around. Time and time again, I have done the meditation and struggled with trying to get into the feeling state of having what I desire. So I searched the internet for information regarding getting into the feeling state of what you desire. I mean, after all, how do you get into the feeling state of having something you don’t have? 

In my search I came across an article that echoed many of the things I’ve studied about The Law of Attraction, and then some. It not only answered all of the questions I had regarding how to enter into the feeling state of a desire, but it additionally added a wealth of information about how to conquer other blocks to enacting the power of The Law of Attraction in my life that I hadn’t even recognized! Jackpot!

So without further ado, here is the article from

How To Become a Vibrational Match for Your Desire

You’ve probably heard proponents of the Law of Attraction tell you that you must be a vibrational match for your desire in order to attract it. But what does that mean?

The law of attraction is the belief that what you think about you bring about. Your thoughts create your reality. You attract what you think about and that which you affirm in your life. So if you’re thinking about how poor you are, you will continue to attract poverty. If you think about how lonely you are, you will continue to be alone.

If you think about being wealthy, you will attract wealth. But if you think about becoming wealthy you will attract lack. Why? Because if you are hoping to attract wealth you are affirming that you don’t currently have it. If you continue to think about not having wealth but wanting it, you will continue to not have wealth and want it. Do you understand why this is so?

Your thoughts have power. Every thought you think goes out into the universe as though you are placing an order at a restaurant. You think it or feel it, and it is so. You order it, and it will come. This is why if you constantly feel like you are in a state of poverty you will notice that you are constantly in a state of poverty. If you go back and forth between feeling abundant and feeling impoverished, notice that you will see that same pattern in your life; sometimes you are ahead and sometimes you suffer a blow to your abundance. And if you find that wealth comes easily to you, notice that money flows into your life easily and you hardly have to think about it. The same is true for relationships, health, friendships, life experiences, etc. Whatever you create in yourself will come back into your reality. This is why it is so vital to understand what it means to become a vibrational match for your desire. If you are in vibrational harmony with your desire, it will manifest.

A lot of people erroneously believe that wishing for something will make it so. When you wish for something, hope for something, or try to get something, you are affirming that you do not have it so the universe brings you more of the same. Instead you must know it, feel it, and believe it. You must have it first for it to come. So how can you have something you don’t have?

Decide what it is you want and start daydreaming about what your life will be like when you have it. Imagine you are stepping into an alternate reality where what you want is already in your possession. How do you act and behave? Where do you live? Who do you hang out with? How has having this desire changed your life. See your new life and your new self. See it vividly. What happens to you when you obtain the wealth or relationship or health of your dreams? Spend at least 10-30 minutes per day daydreaming about who you are and how your environment and habits change when you obtain your desire. After all, if you can’t even imagine it, how can you attract it?

Feel the Feeling
This is so vital I couldn’t put it in the daydream section. You absolutely must feel the feeling you will have when you obtain your desire. How do you feel when you long for something? Not how you feel when you have it, right? To be a vibrational match for your desire you must call up inside of you the feelings you will have when you’ve made your dream a reality. Will you feel safe and secure? Loved and cared for? Healthy and energetic? Feelings are thoughts too, so whatever you’re feeling is going out into the universe and coming back to you. Identify how you will feel when you obtain your desire and start feeling that way now. If you think you can’t feel something you don’t feel, you’re wrong. Actors can do it and so can you. You can choose your emotions any time you want. Try it and see. Experiment and practice until you are a master at it.

Remove Negative Energy
So you know what you want, you’re daydreaming about having it, and you’re feeling how you’ll feel when you get it. Then you start talking about it with friends. Some of them will be totally on board with your desire and their thoughts will even assist you in obtaining your desire. But some of the people around you will tell you that you can’t have what you want, or they’ll tell you that you’re not good enough, or capable enough or deserving enough to have it. Now you have thoughts working against you. I implore you to share your dreams and desires only with people who will support them. I can’t stress this enough. If they are not with you, they are against you. Choose carefully what energies you allow in your life. When you tell someone what you desire you are renting space in their vibrational field, so make sure they are in alignment with you achieving your desire.

Make Room in Your Life
Change your environment to support your desire. Want to be healthier? Remove the junk food from the house, or dedicate more space in your refrigerator for fresh produce. Want to be wealthier? Open a savings account so your money has a place to go when it arrives. Want to switch careers? Create a new file drawer for your new business or clear some space on the bookshelf for books related to your new career. Want a partner or companion? Make room in your bedroom (empty a drawer, get a king size bed, make room in the bathroom cabinet). You get the drift. If you send out an intention and the universe sees you have no room for it in your life, it will be delayed. Begin to make your environment ready to receive your desire.

Reframe Your Beliefs
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford. Your beliefs create your reality. Look at how you speak to yourself and about yourself. “I don’t have what it takes to be a millionaire.” “I just can’t lose the 30 pounds.” “Who would want to be with me?” Catch yourself. Every negative thought you have affirms that reality. You don’t want to lie to yourself though, because you’ll know you’re lying. So you may need to be creative in how you think your thoughts. For example:

“I’m so fat” becomes “Good health is coming my way at breakneck speed.”

“I’ve never made much money” becomes “People go from rags to riches all the time. If they can do it, I can do it.”

“I’m never going to find the man of my dreams” becomes “I am someone who does not settle for less than she is worth.”

You get the idea. There are many ways to express a thought. Make sure you’re expressing your inner thoughts in an empowering and positive way.

Create a New Identity
Without lying, is there a way for you to create a new identity that is more in alignment with your desire? Let’s say you want to switch careers from being a programmer to a writer. The next time someone asks you what you do for a living try saying, ‘I’m a writer.” If that’s not comfortable or if you haven’t written anything yet, say, “I’m a programmer transitioning to becoming a writer.” Try your new identity on for size. Let’s say you long for a child. If someone asks you if you’re a mom simply say, “I’m a mom-in-waiting.” Find a way to identify yourself in a truthful and honest way.

Make Sure You Really Want It
I think what trips most people up is saying they want something they don’t really want. Do you really want to lose weight? “Sure I want to be thin but not if it means I can’t have ice cream.” Do you really want a relationship? “Sure I want to meet the right guy, but I am really enjoying my freedom.” Do you really want to run your own business? “Sure I’d love to run my own business, but not if I have to work 12 hour days.” If you are doing everything right and you still don’t have your desire, consider that there is something about it that you don’t really want. There could be some aspect of it that you don’t feel ready to handle so you will unconsciously block yourself from having it. I see it all the time and am guilty of it myself. This is why the daydream is so important. Really imagine what it would be like to have your desire. If there is anything about the new reality you don’t like, change it, reframe it, or alter and refine your desire.

“I want to own my own business but have the freedom to travel whenever I want.” Put that into the daydream.

“I want to be in a loving relationship but still have the freedom to go where I want whenever I want.” Put that into the desire.

“I want to be thin and healthy while still enjoying the taste of my food.” See it, feel it, so you can have it.

Jump on Opportunities
Once you’ve identified what you really want and have become a vibrational match for it, make sure you take actions that support receiving it. Let me explain this concept using some dialogue.

Jane: I want to be in a loving, committed, healthy relationship.

Mary: That’s great! I didn’t know you were out looking for a guy. Where are you going to meet guys?

Jane: Oh well, I work so many hours that I don’t really have time to go to clubs or bars or meet ups.

Mary: Oh, well are you looking for a guy at work then?

Jane: No, none of the guys at work really appeal to me.

Mary: Are you looking online then?

Jane: Oh heavens, no. Those guys are all so desperate. Why can’t they get a date in person?

Mary: Well are you having your friends set you up?

Jane: A few.

Mary: Do they know what you want?

Jane: I think so. I mean, they would know not to set me up with a guy that’s lame.

Mary: Uh, yeah I guess. Have you a clear idea of what you’re looking for?

Jane: I’ll know him when I meet him.

Mary: Good luck with that, Jane.

Jane is not a vibrational match for her desire to be in a loving relationship nor is she taking appropriate action to indicate to the universe that she is serious. Here is how the conversation would likely go if she was.

Jane: I want to be in a loving, committed, healthy relationship.

Mary: That’s great! I didn’t know you were out looking for a guy. Where are you going to meet guys?

Jane: Well you know I love hiking so I joined a meet up group that hikes on the weekends. I also love dancing so I signed up for swing dancing lessons and am meeting some interesting fellows there.

Mary: That’s great! What about guys at work?

Jane: I haven’t really met anyone at work that I’m interested in, however I’ve told all my co-workers what I want in a guy and to feel free to set me up with anyone that matches my key attributes.

Mary: That’s great.

Jane: Yeah, and sometimes I just take my laptop to Starbucks and sit there and work. The longer I’m there, the more people I run into that seem interesting to me. And I always make sure I look my best when I’m grocery shopping.

Mary: What about trying online dating?

Jane: Yes, I have a profile set up on 2 dating sites right now. I made sure my profile clearly states what I’m looking for and what I’m not interested in. I also recently bought two tickets to my favorite play. I’m imagining an interesting guy sitting next to me that night. I can practically feel our hands touching already.

Mary: Sounds like you have your bases covered. I have no doubt you’ll attract someone appealing.

Jane: Me too. I’m super excited and can’t wait to meet him!

The Law of Attraction doesn’t work in a vacuum. Meet it halfway. Take every opportunity the universe sends you. Be on the lookout for openings and synchronicities.

The Bottom Line
The Law of Attraction really does work, but you’ve got to understand it and put all the pieces into play. Imagine going to a grocery store with a huge list of items you want, and you hand it to the grocer. He runs off and gets everything you want and comes back and says, “ I’ve got all you want, but where’s your cart? How will you hold all these items? Why don’t you run off now and get a cart and come back when you’re ready to actually take these items. In the meantime, I’ll just hang on to them for you.” Go get your cart and start shopping.

My Final Thoughts:

For myself, this article helped me realize that I need to re-examine my desires and make sure I really want it. There is that A Course in Miracles warning again, “Beware the danger of an unrecognized belief.” I had some unrecognized beliefs in my thoughts about what I desire. So I need to employ Martha Beck’s exercise of checking in with my body and see how I feel when I make statements about my desires out loud. I am sorting out what doesn’t fit and writing down sentences that fill me with resounding joy. Miracles are born of conviction, so I need to deepen my clarity about what I desire. I am also making more room in my life for my desires, reframing some beliefs, and jumping on more opportunities. And I’m going to dream so much! I have always been a dreamer. From the time I was little, I have always found myself lost in daydreams. In fact, much of my art is created as an act of daydreaming by painting, drawing, or in some other way, creating something I love that has been the focus my thoughts. But most of my dreaming in the past  was more about escaping reality than anything else. While I think dreaming as a break from reality is important, I am extremely excited to constructively dream as a part of enacting The Law of Attraction in my life! As I become more clear about what I truly, most deeply, desire, I will dream more effectively and (with practice) be able to summon the feeling states of living what most deeply desire. I think my meditations are going to reach a whole new level now! 

I hope this article helps someone else who has been stuck in an effort to use The Law of Attraction to bring about what he/she desires! Lets go forward now, dream up the world we want to live in, and dream it out loud!