The Millionaire Mind: Can we really think and grow rich?

My fascination with the mind and the Law of Attraction is continuously bringing about new questions in my life. Is it entirely the mind that determines who becomes rich and who becomes poor? Which is more powerful, the collective consciousness or the mind of one individual? These questions have led to greater and greater seeking. Lately I’ve been hearing a lot of excitement about two certain books. Over and over I kept stumbling across them. They are: Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and T. Harv Eker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Finally enough tidbits of information sparked enough interest in me that I decided to purchase both books.


I heard the most intriguing story about the book Think and Grow Rich. As an Abraham-Hicks student I’ve listened to and read much of the teachings of Abraham through Esther and Jerry Hicks. Before Esther and Jerry met, Jerry was a student of Think and Grow Rich, had a lot of great success with the teachings, and had even gone on to try to teach the lessons in the book to others. Not everyone would have success. Unable to figure out why some people would have wild success with Think and Grow Rich teachings while others would not, Jerry set out on a mission to find the answer to that question. Later, still on this quest for answers, he met and married Esther. To make a long story short, over time they came to realize that Esther could channel nonphysical energy, a collection of master teachers they call Abraham. Years after the Abraham teachings about us all being vibrational beings, the Law of Attraction, Deliberate Creation, and the Art of Allowing had come about, Jerry discovered the truth about Think and Grow Rich. The original copy of the book, as Napoleon Hill wrote it, had been revised. Certain words and pieces of information were missing. So what was omitted?

The word vibration.

I thought this was so interesting, so I did a search and you can actually purchase Think and Grow Rich in its restored, original form. Mine should be arriving Friday. If you are interested in purchasing it for yourself, just search for Think and Grow Rich- The original version, restored and revised, now fully annotated and indexed. I read through the reviews and one of the customer reviews did discuss the addition of the word vibration in this copy, so I’m pretty excited to read this book.


Now, as for the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind…

I’ve only just started reading this book and I’m excited by just about every single page I’ve read so far. It blends new and fascinating information with what I already know to be true about the Law of Attraction. See, it has sort of become my mission to debunk and dissolve the starving artist myth. I grew up believing that you couldn’t make money as an artist and these subconscious beliefs prevented me from being successful in my first two art business attempts. This book has expanded my awakening to the power of the mind and especially the power our subconscious programming has over the results of our life.

For example, this Wealth Principle from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind:

If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a nonsupportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to “prove” yourself, your money will never bring you happiness.

Why? Because you can’t solve any of these issues with money. Take fear, for instance. During my seminars I ask the audience, “How many of you would cite fear as your primary motivation for for success?” Not many people put up their hand. However, then I ask, “How many of you would cite security as one of your main motivators for success?” Almost everyone puts up his or her hand. But get this–security and fear are both motivated by the same thing. Seeking security comes from insecurity, which is based in fear.

So, will more money dissolve the fear? You wish! But the answer is absolutely not. Why? Because money is not the root of the problem; fear is. What’s even worse is that fear is not just a problem, it’s a habit. Therefore, making more money will only change the kind of fear we have.

-Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Think 2

What jumped out at me here is “fear habit”. We all have fear habits and they prevent us from being who we truly are and living our best life. This is such a huge topic that I’m going to dedicate my entire next post to this topic, but I think this is the answer to some of my opening questions.

I think the greatest thing holding people back from achieving greater success is fear and fear exists in the unhealthy subconscious programming. We need to spend more time being conscious and really awaken to who we are and what we really want.

Through the management of “programmed” perceptions, the mind controls our biology, behaviour and gene activity. The seat of thinking, freewill, personal identity, and our wants, desires and intentions is a small 40 “bit” self-conscious processor that controls our lives only 5% of the day or less. The million times more powerful subconscious mind controls 95% or more of our lives using “habits” derived from instincts and the perceptions acquired in our life experiences.  ~Bruce Lipton

I’m starting to dream up creative ways to teach this information to others, with a focus on creativity and art. Not just because I’m an artist, but because I think we are smack dabble in the middle of a huge awakening in consciousness and what the new man and new woman most need to know is how to tap into their creativity. How to fully engage the right side of their brains. The future demands it. Careers as we once knew them are changing, everything is going digital, and the people who are going to be in the highest demand are the creative thinkers. The one thing computers can’t do is imagine.

Also, in this time of awakening, what is it people most need? To feed their spirit, to sense something that stirs their soul, to feel moved, jolted, to have that rush of emotion flood their systems and remind them of their true divine nature. And who does that best? Artists! Artists can communicate that which cannot be spoken through creative expression. Artists can touch those places that can’t be explained and express them in a way that can be universally understood. Artists are professional dreamers and this is exactly what the world needs: people all over the planet dreaming up a new world. So put on your conscious thinking cap, start dreaming and…

“Dream up the kind of world you want to live in and dream out loud!” -Bono

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This is absolutely one of my favorite drawings out of all the drawings I’ve ever done! I’ve been a fan of Bono and U2 since I was 10 years old. I am SO inspired by Bono’s writing, speaking, and his work with the ONE Campaign in Africa. He is an incredible human being and we can all learn so much from him!